Whenever we’re trying to change a behavior, even if it is a change we really want to make, we inevitably have days where we don’t follow the plan 100%.
That’s NORMAL, you’re not a robot after all. . Yet, when we keep “messing up”, we feel defeated and wanting to give up.
Here’s the Truth: everyone makes mistakes. Everyone slips up on their diet & misses workouts…
What separates those who succeed from those who fail is how you THINK & RESPOND to those mistakes.
How do you normally respond to yourself when you mess up?
How do you normally get back “on track”?
If you want to know the #1 piece of advice I give my clients with getting back up from a diet slip up, check out this week’s video BELOW!
Diet slip ups don’t have to come with 2 weeks of guilt and shame that doesn’t actually help you make lasting changes and can derail your motivation to keep going. Check out my video
to find out a simple way to get back up after you’ve screwed up.