Your done with diets, right?
Good answer.
If you really want to set yourself up for success by slowly changing your habits, just a little bit at a time, check out these
7 habits of The Weight Loss Forever Society.
Does the idea of eating healthier make you queasy? Been there done that, not even worth trying again
Is your first thought that you need to buy special food and completely change your lifestyle?
That would make sense because that’s all were typically marketed, the quick fix, lets do something miserable and nearly impossible, cross our fingers and hope for the best.
That’s not the way you got good at your job, or any other skill you developed.
What you can do instead is practice a few simple principles slowly over time until they just become what you do.
Well, here are seven tips you can incorporate today without ever setting foot in the grocery store or cracking open a cookbook.
Try these seven easy steps to improving your diet, right now:
It seems pretty simple, it is, but that doesn’t make it easy. Real food is essentially stuff that doesn’t come in a bag, box or package. Yes, there are exceptions and yes you will have to eat some things that are slightly processed. However, focusing in real foods will lead you to more veggies (even if they come in a bag frozen), more lean proteins, fruits and healthy fats. The less ingredients the better. More real food will help you stay satisfied, full of energy and less likely to grab stuff from a package. If fat loss is your goal minimizing processed stuff is your key, it’s just so easy to overeat and it is packed with extra calories.
Healthy fruit juice is a myth. Fruit is delicious but it’s high in natural sugar. It’s also high in vitamins and fiber when you eat it and don’t drink it! A serving of fruit can satiate your craving for sweets and fill you up. Take away: fruit juice is not bad, it’s just super easy to drink a lot of it. If weight loss it what you’re after, eat fruit and don’t drink it.
Grab and go eating is the norm for most of us. And unless you plan ahead, you’ll end up grabbing processed snacks and prepared foods that are filling your body with unwanted sodium, chemicals, and garbage. So instead of reaching for what’s convenient, take ten minutes to scribble out a game plan for the rest of your day and follow your playbook. A banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter will fuel you so much better than a bag of chips or a candy bar. Planning ahead, requires, well planning. Start slow plan one meal a day, heck even starting with a few meals a week will help you get better at planning, AKA. Practice.
Measuring is a hassle but portion size is everything. Regardless of WHAT you eat, if you eat too much of it you won’t lose weight. Those are just the facts.
The easiest way to mind your portions is to serve your portions based on the size of your hands: