On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your meal planning skills?
Maybe you do pretty well Monday and Tuesday but then Wednesday is your long day at work, then you have that appointment on Thursday and the rest of the week just goes downhill from there! If you are like me and my clients, then it’s probably NOT a motivation problem or a discipline problem. No, there isn’t anything “wrong” with you either. It’s likely that you haven’t done the planning or preparing to set yourself up to win all week and not just the first two days. (THIS IS REALLY COMMON! You’re not alone!) It’s HARD to do this and it’s also something most of us haven’t been taught. No wonder we end up without the ingredients we need or any kind of plan!
Don’t worry, this week’s video is NOT about how to have mountains of Tupperware filling your fridge, but I do have some tips that have helped me TREMENDOUSLY simplify my meals.
Because I like simple and easy! I bet you do also?!
If you do, check out my recent video all about my favorite meal planning tips!
Stop struggling and start using just ONE of the tips in this video to simplify your life!