
Easy Grocery Shopping Tips

 Making a list before heading to the store can be for more than making sure you don’t forget anything. It can be a great teaching tool and an easy way to control what you’re eating. It’s hard to eat something if you don’t buy it.


Let’s start with why it’s essential. When it comes to Friday night and its time to make sure we have the list competed after doing an inventory of what we have. We read back the list out loud, and it’s straightforward to hear your self say “2 boxes of nut nut cholate chip breakfast Cyril “and know that it’s probably not good for your health. So if my partner and I can’t both agree it’s going to improve our health than it’s coming off the list. Making a list before heading to the store can be for more than making sure you don’t forget anything. It can be a great teaching tool and an easy way to control what you’re eating. It’s hard to eat something if you don’t buy it.
Let’s start with why it’s essential. When it comes to Friday night and its time to make sure we have the list competed after doing an inventory of what we have. We read back the list out loud, and it’s straightforward to hear your self say “2 boxes of nut nut cholate chip breakfast Cyril “and know that it’s probably not good for your health. So if my partner and I can’t both agree it’s going to improve our health than it’s coming off the list.
What if they run out?
 I understand that maybe the store run out of something or the new version of that product came out what you do? Ask your self this simple question is the food going to work to improve my quality of life. If you smile and have a small conversation with yourself about it then the answer most likely no, But you already know that. Knowing if food is bad or good for me is a split second decision if takes longer than that it’s pretty clear what we should do. 
 Healthy living is very much a habit and intent type of journey.
Shopping with the intent and only buying things you know good for you will make a difference. Its harder to do when the treats are placed in front of you with huge displays at the stores. This why the list and That straightforward question are so important. If The list is made right, you won’t in the lanes with some of the things we know taste good but aren’t worth what they do to us in the long term. Use these few simple steps of shopping with intent and making a list reading it out loud and only buying what’s on the list, and you be moving in the right direction for your nutrition.
Coach Dan,

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