Have you ever wanted to achieve something physically demanding?
I think most of us can say that we have all struggled with the physical elements of life in some way, shape, or form. It’s no surprise that it can be a huge deterrent to come back to something when we go to do/try something we aren’t very good at.
Often, we go one of two ways, we either stop it altogether, create a narrative that says we will never be able to do it, and give up wondering if we would have been able to do it if we just tried this thing instead. Or, we challenge ourselves, set a goal, and employ strategies and the help we need to reach the thing we want.
I can DO this!!!!!
Today, is about a client who went after what she wanted. Tara, has been coming to C.P. since before I started. I noticed that this person was a gogetter. She had a quiet, reserved, but intense way about her. She tried things, thought carefully and pushed herself. I have never had to once ask Tara to go up in weight or make a different choice in movement. She always knew what she could and couldn’t do.
But just because one knows what they can and cannot do, doesn’t mean that they don’t want to reach for more. You see Tara had always wanted to do push-ups off the ground. We all have that Sisyphus(story of the guy who pushes rock up mountain side, only to reach the top and have rock come tumbling down) story in our life. Where we work so hard trying to achieve something. It feels like an uphill battle. But Tara was committed.
A few weeks after switching over to Semi-private training she reached out to me and asked me to help her achieve this personal goal. I jumped all over this. It’s so cool when a client reaches out to achieve a real physical goal, a milestone if you will. After she reached out, I immediately asked the guys what they think it would take for her to do this. They said the obvious answer, commitment, consistency, and some extra work spent outside of the gym doing/trying a few push-ups off the ground at night.