
Life Doesn’t Stop and Neither Should Your Fitness

Life doesn’t stop and neither should your fitness. Epic statement, I know. I believe that people and the person is capable of so much when the mindset is geared towards a goal and uses strategies to seek out those goals, even during moments of great stress and days of endless work.

I want to talk about one lady today that embodies this consistent effort and has put her best foot forward when it comes to her health and fitness.
Meet Karen.
(Karen on the left)
Karen has been coming to Core Principles for a little over a year now and has invested quite some time in her health and fitness. Karen was looking for a place and program that offered her some flexibility with her schedule. She needs this flexibility because her job demands her to be on the road heading to one state after another, for weeks on end, so she can run meetings and workshops.
Recently, Karen has been even busier with work, traveling quite a lot over the last few months. All this travel takes a toll on those other things that you love to do and can throw off a person’s routine.
However, it’s busy moments such as this that can define our character and condition our spirit to take challenges head on.  Now, rather than throwing in the towel, Karen got clear on what she could manage over the next few months. She decided to drop down to 6 sessions a month from the 8 she was originally attending.
Now what’s even cooler than that, is that Karen has revealed that all the work she has put into the gym, over the last year or so, has allowed her body not to suffer from the constant sitting and loss of sleep. She attributes a lot of these benefits to the variety of movement and strength training she received at CP.
I think that is the most impressive thing about the Human, its ability to bounce back and forge ahead with the greatest effort. When things come up or something changes, we must adapt and make decisions regardless of whatever comes up. Take a lesson from Karen. Things will always come up, and you will always have something pressing to do, but you need to give yourself the right to prioritize yourself, create a physically strong body and build a strong human spirit.
Coach Jim



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