
Lose the Weight You Want: Join the New Age Nutrition Club

Ever feel frustrated with your weight? Ever feel like, no matter how many diet plans you try you simply can’t seem to lose the weight you want? Or, keep that weight from coming back?



We hear you and we are frustrated as heck too. Every week, magazines, the internet, and that great aunt Betty comes out with the best way on how to tell you, how to lose weight.


Now while their advice and info is good and probably revolves around calorie restriction or some weird version of macro nutrient breakdown, where they fail is not in information. Or even motivation. Chances are you have been motivated enough times, you would have to count on both hands.


NO, the problem is not the motivation or info, it’s the action, accountability, and support system to follow through on it.

I can’t tell you how many times I have talked with people about simple nutrition hiccups. What do I mean by hiccups? Many times, I hear “ I eat really clean” or “ I know what to do, I just have to do it”. The problem is not you, it’s the habits you were taught around food and how you have set up your household.
To be honest, nutrition is a struggle for us all. Bombarded by beer, pizza, and ads that talk about the best tasting foods and the quickest way to get them creates this massive abundance of extra calories. We live in a world where we can have any type of food we want, just with the simple click of a button. Crazy to think about, right?!
So, in order to lose weight, we need the clickable version of nutrition coaching that allows us to evaluate our habits/environment around food and give us the tools, support, and actionable information to fight back against all this easily consumed food.
That’s why my super coach Pat started New Age Nutrition. A club for people to get serious about their health and nutrition and arm them with the tools and support they need to break down the barriers they have been struggling with.
Just check out what some of the members have said about the last go around of the club.
I feel good! My clothes fit better, I am wearing things that have not fit in about 2 years! I can move more easily, bending down to pick things up, shoveling snow, carrying things up and down stairs, etc, are all just easier to do and it feels so good”
“I think I now have a more positive and aware relationship with food”
“ Learning to eat slow (which is the best and most important habit I gained in the program) has shifted the power back to me vs feeling out of control. I feel better, have less indigestion and have limited that feeling of being over stuffed.”
You see this program is different in a few ways. While food quality is important and eating less to lose weight is a serious underpinning of any weight loss program. This program focuses on habits that enable the person to make solid choices around nutrition, while not losing their mind around restrictive diet plans
Just know that you can achieve any of your weight loss goals. You just need to set yourself up for success and leave it less up to chance, like the people up top did. If you are ready to get serious about your nutrition and ready to arm yourself with a nutrition artillery, feel free to email us at or hits us up on facebook at Core Principles Strenght and Condition.
Coach Jim



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