With the start of the New Year now seems to be the time everyone wants to start working on his or her health! They are going to hit the gym hard and really focus on their nutrition.
The New Year seems like the perfect time to start right? A clean slate, your starting on day one, nothing can go wrong.
If you are like most people you hit things so hard in the new year that you get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing a few weeks in.
What if you took a different approach? What if you took an approach that fits your fitness and nutrition around your busy schedule and not the other way around?
To give you a great example of this I want to talk about one of our clients who recently joined Core Principles.
Meet Rey!
Rey is the head of operating room nurses at a local hospital. This man is one of the hardest workers I have ever met. From working long hours to even working two jobs he seems to never stop working.
When Rey came in he had some super clear goals. He had surgery on both of his shoulders, has never really worked out before and wanted to get stronger, improve his blood markers, and increase his energy for his long days on his feet in the operating room.
When Rey got started he was a little concerned about his schedule and getting hurt. Together we came up with a plan to get Rey going on the road to success.
During his workouts, Rey would sometimes begin to cough from overexertion. We took things slowly to start making sure he was not breathing too hard and made sure to take plenty of rest between exercises.
Rey also knew he had to be careful of his shoulders, taking things slow while still building up the strength he wanted.
Now Rey has increased the strength in both of his shoulders and can go through a full workout without a single cough!