
You can move like Pat but you have to be consistent

Today we going to take a little bit of time to talk about Pat. He’s what you would classify as your ideal client.


Pat is a home town boy, born and raised in Stamford Ct. He’s been with us for over a year now and only getting better every day.


Pat’s an Ideally client for a few reasons.
These all help us create a great experience for the rest of the group and for the staff as well. Putting your stuff away after you finished using it, not one only helps the rest of the people using the gym it always helps the coaches. It’s not our job to clean up it’s our responsibility to give the best opportunity to challenge your selves in a safe fun environment.
Being consistent with showing up is a massive step in the right direction for anyone. It’s the make and breaks for point for most people. Pat not only shows up but also gives it his all when he comes ever time.
Finally, his trust means the world to us as a coach’s. We understand at 61 years young he’s got to be smart about his body. Every time we ask pat to try something new because we feel he’s cable he’s always open to it. That says I understand you think I can do this and  I won’t be in danger so I will give it a shot.
Thanks, Pat for coming in and working hard with a smile.
– Coach Dan

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