
You Can Squat After Surgery Like Pat

Surgery is a scary thing. It affects a lot more than just the body; it also can affect the mind. It can make you feel unsure of yourself. You might start to question if you’re going to get hurt doing everyday activities that you used to do easily.


Pat had surgery on her knee a few months ago. After some time off, she came back to training with us.
Now, at this point, some people don’t ever want to push it or put their knee in a position where they think something may happen. Unfortunately, to get back to our regular lives, we have to get moving.
Pat had been using the leg press for some time after her operation. The leg press is a great way to get the knee moving and to start to rebuild strength safely. The goal is to start with it and, after some time, progress off of it.
The leg press is comfortable and, with time, it can become a crutch, so we have to keep a close eye on those who use it and remind them that although it’s a great tool, squatting has more benefits.
We looked at Pat’s data and discussed it with the rest of the staff. We all believed that she was ready to make the jump. Here are the things we looked at to determine that she was ready:
1. Range of motion of the ankle, knee, and hip.
2. Stability in the ankle, knee, and hip joints.
3. Strength in surrounding muscle groups.
Pat came in a few days following the conversation. I happened to be the coach working with her, and squats came up. Pat was in a fantastic mood, as always, and I decided to ask her, “Pat, have you tried squatting?”
Her reply was exactly what I expected it to be. ” No, I haven’t, but I want to” so, with a great smile, I walked her over to the prime ramp we use, demonstrated the movement, gave customized vital points for her, and then moved aside.
Pat stepped on the ramp, we went through the checklist together, and then she started squatting. I am happy to say that it went very well.
She finished her last rep and smiled. I gave her a big high five and relayed how big of a deal this was, and how this meant that she was moving in the right direction.
Doing anything after surgery is scary, but with the right game plan, a team of professionals, you can move again. Pat is an excellent example of how being patient, working hard, and being positive will get paid back in full.

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