
Taco Tuesday!

Taco Tuesday, Pizza Friday… the school cafeteria staff may have been onto something back in the day.

They may have been off with their choices but they had the right idea with planning. Planning at least some of your meals may be the single biggest thing you could do to improve your nutrition.

Meal planning is not about making a bunch of bland foods on Sunday and stuffing it into Tupperware to eat for the week. That’s for body builders.

That’s not what we are talking about here. We are talking about making a plan; thinking about at least some of your meals ahead of time and shopping for the foods you need in order to make them. Planned meals can be a heck of a lot more exciting than throwing something together or grabbing something quick when you are starving. This only makes you feel like crap about it later.

The major benefit here is not only being a time saver but the fact that it sets you up for success. When you have a plan and make better meal decisions you will end up in a much better place than when you are under stress from not having a plan.

Learn to meal plan! Start with one meal a week that aligns with the health goals of you and/or your family and tastes delicious! Get in the habit of planning it out every week! Find out the best way to make it so that your taste buds are tingling with happiness!

Check out this great article on how Taco Tuesday can be your start to meal planning!

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Eating at home more than going out to eat is one way to make progress on your health and nutrition because it puts you in full control. The trade off… eating at home requires having food on hand to prepare those meals, which requires time each week for planning and

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