
The Trick That Helps Busy Parents Cook The Food Thier Kids Love While Still Eating Healthy Themselves

The day never seems long enough, you may feel like you are constantly running around between your busy job, taking the kids different places, and making sure the house is put together. It is really hard to get things done for yourself.


Your goals are super important to you though, you want to lose that weight around your midsection, feel energetic as you play with your kids or grandkids, feel strong and powerful as you grab that big bag of mulch and finish the backyard of your dreams.


Maybe you already exercise and started seeing some results but you are looking to take it to the next level. You know what foods will help you reach your goals faster what foods that make you feel good. There is only one problem; it is hard to get the rest of your family to eat the same way.


Your kids want their chicken nuggets and fries; your significant other wants a huge steak soaked in butter. You know this is your goal and not theirs so you don’t want to deprive them of what they love. Being a good person you continue to cook for others. You barely have time to make one meal so you definitely don’t have time to make two separate meals.


So what do you do? Most likely you end up giving in and eating what others want and food that does not necessarily align with your goals.


You are such a loving person that you put others before yourself.


It’s time to change that with this one simple tip that everyone can do to help them eat with what is in line with their goals and allow their family to eat what they love.


The two food groups I think people should prepare ahead of time for themselves are carbohydrates and veggies.




Carbohydrates are not inherently bad for you but the processed ones are super easy to over eat. Remember having that huge bowl of pasta, or that entire bag of potato chips? We have all been there and know that was not the best choice for us.


Vegetables are important for their vitamins and nutrients but also their ability to fill you up without too many calories. I think everyone would benefit simply from eating a few more veggies.


So how does this help you meal prep?


If you can simply make some smart carbohydrates and veggies to keep in the fridge for yourself next time your kids want french fries and chicken nuggets you can make it for them but also make a balanced meal for yourself. Yes, you may have a few chicken nuggets but then you fill up on smarter choices such as veggies and your carbohydrates. Don’t worry about making your meal perfect just make it a little better.


While your goals may not line up with everyone else’s in your family that does not mean you can’t prepare yourself for success. Simply keeping a smart carb and vegetables in your fridge at all times will create an environment you can succeed in.


Try this simple tip and see how it goes. Keep things simple, don’t worry about preparing a whole separate meal for yourself just focus on those two food groups.


If you need more help working on your nutrition or are ready to start a workout program specifically designed for people 50+ please reach out to or give us a call @ 203-914-6396.


-Coach Pat

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