
Upgrade Your Metabolism W/ A 20 Min Workout

It’s hard to believe that it is almost a year since things shut down. For most people that means a year of working from home!


You no longer have that social environment of the office, you’re stuck in the same place all day, it’s super easy to snack, and most importantly people find themselves moving less and starting to get stiff with a few aches and pains.


Today I want to share with you a great 15-20 min workout you can do at home that will help break up your day and get your joints moving so you can pop out of your chair comfortably when your day is done.


Mobility and Metabolism Upgrade


Now you may be wondering how do I know if this is going to help me feel better?


Well to be honest you don’t know for sure.


The only way to find out though is to actually try them consistently for a few days.

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