
What You Need To Know If you Are Eating for Happiness…

Is Mealtime what you look forward most in your day?? Maybe you have a stressful job, or lots going on, but one thing you can count on day after day is that delicious dinner waiting for you at home!

I consider myself a foodie, I love food and I look forward to eating it too! But if the best part of my day is my meals, I think it is worth taking a closer look…

One thing I talk about a lot with my clients is that we can keep an eye on our nutrition goals while keeping plenty of fun and pleasure in life. In my last video, I talked about how we can still have treat foods as part of a balanced approach to our eating.

Well this week, whether your goals are losing weight, feeling healthier or more energized, eliminating snacking or just trying to change how you interact with food, I want to talk about adding some “real life treats” into your day!

When food and happiness are so intertwined, it isn’t a problem unless it becomes a problem! I talk about adding real-life treats because food can be enjoyed!!



We can fill our lives with lots of other enjoyment and pleasure too so that food or meals don’t have to be the main event of our lives.

That’s what this week’s video is all about!



How can we add MORE pleasure and happiness into our lives, keep plenty of enjoyment of our favorite foods, AND keep an eye on our health and nutrition goals?

Watch THIS WEEK’s Video to find out!

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Eating at home more than going out to eat is one way to make progress on your health and nutrition because it puts you in full control. The trade off… eating at home requires having food on hand to prepare those meals, which requires time each week for planning and

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